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Active batches
0.060 kW/TH/s
Parameters per
daily electricity fee
24h average income
0.000035 BTC≈
What are the benefits of the contract?
Contract has no activity period. Mining will continue until miners break down completely or mining becomes unprofitable.
Have you decided to try something else? You can always sell your contract to anyone! Just click the “sell” button and we will repurchase your mining power or help resell it to another user.
All the contracts are secured by equipment running in Binance Pool and daily mining rewards are calculated and shared by Binance Pool.
Mining capacity is inspected and verified by Binance Pool. You can always check it by monitoring the equipment operation and daily income on the Binance Pool website.
Didn't find an answer to your question?
What is co-buying?
It’s a new option for effective mining. We separate a valuable amount of hashrate in a separate pool and maintain it. Pool generates rewards daily and it is shared proportionally between hashrate owners. In addition to mining rewards you can always resell your hashrate to other pool members at any moment.
What is the difference between co-buying and home mining?
Co-buying option shares rewards according to overall power. It means if one miner is out of operation then there will be no significant losses considering home mining where your rewards reduce to zero in the same case.
For instance, you decide to buy a miner with a 50 TH/s of power and a co-buying contract on 50 TH/s where the same miners with overall power of 10 000 TH/s are installed. Your mining rewards will reduce to zero if miner at home stops operating. In the case with co-buying, if one miner stops operating then the overall hashrate reduces to 9 950 TH/s and you still get rewards proportional to your initial purchase.
When mining rewards are added and how to check it?
Binance Pool shares rewards daily from 07 to 12AM (UTC) by default. The time depends on blockchain load and other variables.
Will my contract be infinite?
Contracts are not infinite but perpetual. They are secured by equipment that we will maintain and repair. Sooner or later it will become outdated, unprofitable and may get out of operation. We will do everything possible for you to get a maximum from equipment and mining power.
Can I purchase an additional power if I have already purchased in the same pool?
You can purchase mining power in the same pool if power in it is not sold out. After all the power in the pool is purchased then additional power can be purchased only from other users on the hashrate exchange.
I purchased a contract and its status is “Pending”. What does it mean?
This status means the contract is being launched on our side and will start in 24 hours from the moment of purchase or at the specified date. After it will be installed, status will change to “Active” and rewards will start accruing as supposed.
Me and other users want a separate pool and more mining power. Is it possible?
If you want a private pool for mining with specific people or sell power to other users in future then write to our support team , so our specialists will offer you all the possible options.