Cookies policy

We use cookies and similar technologies on our website to improve its both performance and efficiency.

By using this website, you agree to the placement of cookies on your computer in accordance with the terms of this policy. Please see below how you can control cookies and further information on how to withdraw your consent at any time.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of data that are generated by a webserver and that a website or mobile device stores on the hard drive of the user's device in order to recognize the user when the site is subsequently used. Cookies can be session ones that remain on your device until you leave the website. There are also persistent cookies that are stored on your device for a long time or until you manually delete them. The information obtained by cookies can be collected and used in a generalized form. The data can be also collected in a separate profile or record. This single record may be personal or anonymous, or the profile may be associated with information that identifies you as an individual.

You can learn more about cookies on the

We may use cookies for a variety of purposes:

1. Basic cookies

We may use a limited number of cookies required for specific services you have requested or for security purposes. In particular, if you are registered on the site or use the customer portal, we may use cookies to authenticate the personal computer or mobile device you are using.

2. Operating cookies

We allow third parties to use cookies for statistical and evaluation purposes in order to collect and store general information. These files provide information on an aggregate basis, that is, they do not identify you personally. We use aggregate reports to understand how our site is used and to improve its functionality for our audience.

3. Functional cookies

Many cookies are also designed in order to help you to make the best use of the website by identifying your computer or mobile device on a unique but anonymous basis. For example, these cookies can remember your language settings or learn the last activity of an individual within a single session.

We may analyze user traffic to measure the frequency of use of our site and improve its content and services. These analyses will be performed using IP addresses and cookies.

How you can control the use of cookies

The cookies we use or allow to use are a recognized part of e-Commerce and are important for your use of our websites. The operation of cookies allows us to know our audience as a whole and to improve the operation of our site to meet your needs and expectations. Many functional cookies are basic for the work of our website. The cookies we use allow us to conduct online business. Our site and services, or part of them, may not work properly without cookies.

Personal data protection

We will post the information in this policy, in case any changes are made to the use of the cookies. Please check occasionally how our online data collection methods and our use of this data continue to be developed.

We use cookies to assemble data about your activity and to save your personal settings. For instance, to help you navigate between pages without logging in each time. The info is collected to improve our service.More info