
Compre un equipo y alójelo en nuestro centro de datos. Ingenieros experimentados optimizarán su mina y la supervisarán de cerca mientras trabaja
Вы арендуете часть мощности нашей майнинг фермы
Elija una o algunas minas de la lista
Мы ежедневно перечисляем добытые биткойны на ваш баланс
Sus minas serán conectadas a nuestra red tan pronto como recibamos su pago
Списываем с вашего баланса затраты на обсуживание
Transferiremos las ganancias a su cuenta y deduciremos la cuota de mantenimiento cada día.
Обновляем оборудование и поддерживаем работу майнеров
Sus minas se mantienen en buen estado mediante evaluaciones regulares

Canaan A1346

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  • Moneda
  • Tasa de hash113 TH/s
  • EST. Daily income0.000063 BTC
  • daily electricity fee

Bitmain S21

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  • Moneda
  • Tasa de hash200 TH/s
  • EST. Daily income0.000112 BTC
  • daily electricity fee

Bitmain S19j XP

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  • Moneda
  • Tasa de hash151 TH/s
  • EST. Daily income0.000085 BTC
  • daily electricity fee
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¿No encontró la respuesta a su pregunta?
You purchase a miner contract, we connect it to our network, maintain, repair and monitor, so it can work efficiently all the time. All you need to do is to choose a miner and pay for it.
Miner requires electricity in order to work. Every miner has its own consumption can be find in miner specifications. In your dashboard you can find special balance called Electricity fee account. Required amount of money is taken from it daily. Do not forget to refill it because miner will not work without electricity.
You can extend its duration, sell a miner or pass it to a trade-in after the contract term expires.
Calculation of mined coinsfor the whole previous day happens one time a day. If you only started mining, you will get your first coins on the following day.
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